Kim Bates is focused on helping a CH commercial insurance customer as we speak. Just over two years ago Kim was referred to CH Insurance as a Commercial Lines Service Representative and has never looked back. Kim's branch was being dissolved and as fate would have it, we were looking for just the right person who could work well in our CH Culture.
While Kim enjoyed working for Liberty Mutual, she's adapted well to the independent agency environment and is thriving here as part of our team! "I enjoy the ability to work with a variety of businesses and business owners, and being able to give THEM the variety of options they deserve," says Kim. "When CH says they're a CHampion for their employees and their customers, they really mean it. We all walk the talk here and are truly in the clients' corner. It doesn't matter the size or age of their business. We're grateful for each and every one."
CH Insurance is an independent insurance agency based in downtown Syracuse, NY. CH Insurance specializes in commercial insurance, personal insurance, group benefits, risk management, workers' compensation, corporate wellness, has a national home inspectors' program, and also owns a Rochester-based agency DHH. 315-234-7500.