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Small Business: Connecting the Dots

Time Management + Ease of doing business

Precious Resource

ch insurance talks small business ownership and saving time

One of the greatest challenges small business owners face is how to best maximize their time. As if the operations, profitability, product launches, marketing, weren't enough - now owners get to add physical distancing office design to their list. Technology can be a small business owner's best friend in conserving precious time that can be devoted to relationship-building and product/services innovation.

Time Management - thoughtful questions as a quick diagnostic into your efficiencies in the office and online

When you consider the amount of time to simply answer every email that comes through before 10am (let alone throughout an entire workday), any systems, relationships, technology that can help you reallocate your time and energy more efficiently is a worthwhile endeavor.


Learning how to delegate tasks and initiatives is vitally important as a small business owner. How much can you outsource while finding a balance that ensures profitable sustainability of that outsourcing?

  • What redundancies in our systems are necessary and what can be eliminated?

  • Do we have duplication of efforts with our talent?

  • Are we maximizing our talents' skills in the right arenas or can we take a more systematic look at those skill sets and how they're best applied?

  • Is there technology or are there partners who have expertise that can take these tasks off our hands for little or no cost?

Ease of doing business

Sometimes we can make things harder for ourselves than they need to be. Recently we had a sit down with a small business owner client to review their current employee health insurance to see if we could save them precious time. We discovered through a the CH HI FIVE-point diagnostic that the business owner was using a disproportionate amount of her time trying to manage all compliance aspects of her company's COBRA plan.

"Janet needed insight on how to streamline all of that and make managing her health insurance for employees a lot easier." - Joe Courcy, Sr Acct Mgr

We also discovered that whenever she had an employee who had an issue with their health insurance, sometimes in the evening or on weekends, the business owner would be trying to sift and sort and track down paperwork, sit on hold with the insurance carrier, trying to get her employee the answers they needed. "All accruing time that Janet could've been devoting to much higher level thinking and actions that generate needed revenue for her business," says CH Senior Account Manager, Joe Courcy. "Janet needed insight on how to streamline all of that and make managing her health insurance for employees a lot easier."

Faced with many unknowns in small business, and the world, owners must control what they can control. Any systems or programs that can simplify and create greater ease day to day is all-important. This story demonstrates insurance is certainly one of those ways, but there are many. Useful technology is at our fingertips more than ever before. A willingness to explore the possibilities, ask more questions, inquire about the 'easier way.' will go a long way in connecting the dots for business owners in the weeks and months ahead.

CH Insurance is an independent agency based in Upstate NY focusing on commercial insurance, personal insurance, group benefits, risk management. 315-234-7500. In your corner.


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