In today's world, a thriving business needs thriving teams who are engaged and flourishing in their own lives both at home and at work. All this month in March, CH Insurance is exploring different ideas about workplace wellness, what it looks like, how companies can get started and sustain wellness programs, and why making your workplace a WELLNESS place matters.
"Nearly everyone at CH has participated in one of our wellness corporate programs we've embraced over the last several years," says Joe Convertino, Jr, President of CH. "It starts with our leadership team who are big believers in having fun, staying healthy, and balancing different areas of your life with work in a way that keeps you satisfied and thriving. It's good for all of us and it's good business too."
Getting started is always about leading by example. So the more leadership level individuals you can get on board, the more successful your program will sustain itself and you'll all reap the rewards from your efforts. Here are 17 Employee Wellness program ideas and tips to transform your workplace. Just take the first step. Your employees and their families will thank you!